Class LayerBase¶
Defined in File generic.h
Inheritance Relationships¶
Derived Types¶
public marian::ClassifierBase
(Class ClassifierBase)public marian::Embedding
(Class Embedding)public marian::EncoderDecoder
(Class EncoderDecoder)public marian::EncoderDecoderLayerBase
(Class EncoderDecoderLayerBase)public marian::mlp::Dense
(Class Dense)public marian::mlp::Output
(Class Output)public marian::PoolerBase
(Class PoolerBase)public marian::ULREmbedding
(Class ULREmbedding)
Class Documentation¶
¶ Base class for a layer.
Each layer consists of LayerBase and IXXXLayer which defines one or more apply() functions for the respective layer type (different layers may require different signatures). This base class contains configuration info for creating parameters and executing apply().
Subclassed by marian::ClassifierBase, marian::Embedding, marian::EncoderDecoder, marian::EncoderDecoderLayerBase, marian::mlp::Dense, marian::mlp::Output, marian::PoolerBase, marian::ULREmbedding
Public Functions
(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph, Ptr<Options> options)¶