Program Listing for File shortlist.h

Return to documentation for file (src/data/shortlist.h)

#pragma once

#include "common/config.h"
#include "common/definitions.h"
#include "common/file_stream.h"
#include "data/corpus_base.h"
#include "data/types.h"
#include "mio/mio.hpp"

#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>

namespace faiss {
  struct IndexLSH;

namespace marian {
namespace data {

class Shortlist {
  std::vector<WordIndex> indices_;    // // [packed shortlist index] -> word index, used to select columns from output embeddings
  Expr indicesExpr_;    // cache an expression that contains the short list indices

  Expr cachedShortWt_;  // short-listed version, cached (cleared by clear())
  Expr cachedShortb_;   // these match the current value of shortlist_
  Expr cachedShortLemmaEt_;
  bool initialized_; // used by batch-level shortlist. Only initialize with 1st call then skip all subsequent calls for same batch

  void createCachedTensors(Expr weights,
                           bool isLegacyUntransposedW,
                           Expr b,
                           Expr lemmaEt,
                           int k);
  static constexpr WordIndex npos{std::numeric_limits<WordIndex>::max()}; // used to identify invalid shortlist entries similar to std::string::npos

  Shortlist(const std::vector<WordIndex>& indices);
  virtual ~Shortlist();

  virtual bool isDynamic() const { return false; }
  virtual WordIndex reverseMap(int beamIdx, int batchIdx, int idx) const;
  virtual WordIndex tryForwardMap(WordIndex wIdx) const;

  virtual void filter(Expr input, Expr weights, bool isLegacyUntransposedW, Expr b, Expr lemmaEt);
  virtual Expr getIndicesExpr() const;
  virtual Expr getCachedShortWt() const { return cachedShortWt_; }
  virtual Expr getCachedShortb() const { return cachedShortb_; }
  virtual Expr getCachedShortLemmaEt() const { return cachedShortLemmaEt_; }

class ShortlistGenerator {
  virtual ~ShortlistGenerator() {}

  virtual Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) const = 0;

  // Writes text version of (possibly) pruned short list to file
  // with given prefix and implementation-specific suffixes.
  virtual void dump(const std::string& /*prefix*/) const {
    ABORT("Not implemented");

// faster inference inspired by these 2 papers
class LSHShortlist: public Shortlist {
  int k_; // number of candidates returned from each input
  int nbits_; // length of hash
  size_t lemmaSize_; // vocab size
  bool abortIfDynamic_; // if true disallow dynamic allocation for encoded weights and rotation matrix (only allow use of pre-allocated parameters)

  static Ptr<faiss::IndexLSH> index_; // LSH index to store all possible candidates
  static std::mutex mutex_;

  void createCachedTensors(Expr weights,
                           bool isLegacyUntransposedW,
                           Expr b,
                           Expr lemmaEt,
                           int k);

  LSHShortlist(int k, int nbits, size_t lemmaSize, bool abortIfDynamic = false);

  virtual bool isDynamic() const override { return true; }
  virtual WordIndex reverseMap(int beamIdx, int batchIdx, int idx) const override;

  virtual void filter(Expr input, Expr weights, bool isLegacyUntransposedW, Expr b, Expr lemmaEt) override;
  virtual Expr getIndicesExpr() const override;


class LSHShortlistGenerator : public ShortlistGenerator {
  int k_;
  int nbits_;
  size_t lemmaSize_;
  bool abortIfDynamic_;

  LSHShortlistGenerator(int k, int nbits, size_t lemmaSize, bool abortIfDynamic = false);
  Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) const override;

// Intended for use during training in the future, currently disabled
#if 0
class SampledShortlistGenerator : public ShortlistGenerator {
  Ptr<Options> options_;
  size_t maxVocab_{50000};

  size_t total_{10000};
  size_t firstNum_{1000};

  size_t srcIdx_;
  size_t trgIdx_;
  bool shared_{false};

  // static thread_local std::random_device rd_;
  static thread_local std::unique_ptr<std::mt19937> gen_;

  SampledShortlistGenerator(Ptr<Options> options,
                            size_t srcIdx = 0,
                            size_t trgIdx = 1,
                            bool shared = false)
      : options_(options),
        { }

  virtual Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) const override {
    auto srcBatch = (*batch)[srcIdx_];
    auto trgBatch = (*batch)[trgIdx_];

    // add firstNum most frequent words
    std::unordered_set<WordIndex> indexSet;
    for(WordIndex i = 0; i < firstNum_ && i < maxVocab_; ++i)

    // add all words from ground truth
    for(auto i : trgBatch->data())

    // add all words from source
      for(auto i : srcBatch->data())

    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis((int)firstNum_, (int)maxVocab_);
    if (gen_ == NULL)
      gen_.reset(new std::mt19937(std::random_device{}()));
    while(indexSet.size() < total_ && indexSet.size() < maxVocab_)

    // turn into vector and sort (selected indices)
    std::vector<WordIndex> idx(indexSet.begin(), indexSet.end());
    std::sort(idx.begin(), idx.end());

    // assign new shifted position
    std::unordered_map<WordIndex, WordIndex> pos;
    std::vector<WordIndex> reverseMap;

    for(WordIndex i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i) {
      pos[idx[i]] = i;

    Words mapped;
    for(auto i : trgBatch->data()) {
      // mapped postions for cross-entropy

    return New<Shortlist>(idx, mapped, reverseMap);

class LexicalShortlistGenerator : public ShortlistGenerator {
  Ptr<Options> options_;
  Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab_;
  Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab_;

  size_t srcIdx_;
  bool shared_{false};

  size_t firstNum_{100};
  size_t bestNum_{100};

  std::vector<std::unordered_map<WordIndex, float>> data_; // [WordIndex src] -> [WordIndex tgt] -> P_trans(tgt|src) --@TODO: rename data_ accordingly

  void load(const std::string& fname) {
    io::InputFileStream in(fname);

    std::string src, trg;
    float prob;
    while(in >> trg >> src >> prob) {
      // @TODO: change this to something safer other than NULL
      if(src == "NULL" || trg == "NULL")

      auto sId = (*srcVocab_)[src].toWordIndex();
      auto tId = (*trgVocab_)[trg].toWordIndex();

      if(data_.size() <= sId)
        data_.resize(sId + 1);
      data_[sId][tId] = prob;

  void prune(float threshold = 0.f) {
    size_t i = 0;
    for(auto& probs : data_) {
      std::vector<std::pair<float, WordIndex>> sorter;
      for(auto& it : probs)
        sorter.emplace_back(it.second, it.first);

          sorter.begin(), sorter.end(), std::greater<std::pair<float, WordIndex>>()); // sort by prob

      for(auto& it : sorter) {
        if(probs.size() < bestNum_ && it.first > threshold)
          probs[it.second] = it.first;


  LexicalShortlistGenerator(Ptr<Options> options,
                            Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab,
                            Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab,
                            size_t srcIdx = 0,
                            size_t /*trgIdx*/ = 1,
                            bool shared = false)
      : options_(options),
        shared_(shared) {
    std::vector<std::string> vals = options_->get<std::vector<std::string>>("shortlist");

    ABORT_IF(vals.empty(), "No path to filter path given");
    std::string fname = vals[0];

    firstNum_ = vals.size() > 1 ? std::stoi(vals[1]) : 100;
    bestNum_ = vals.size() > 2 ? std::stoi(vals[2]) : 100;
    float threshold = vals.size() > 3 ? std::stof(vals[3]) : 0;
    std::string dumpPath = vals.size() > 4 ? vals[4] : "";
        "[data] Loading lexical shortlist as {} {} {} {}",

    // @TODO: Load and prune in one go.


  virtual void dump(const std::string& prefix) const override {
    // Dump top most frequent words from target vocabulary
    LOG(info, "[data] Saving shortlist dump to {}", prefix + ".{top,dic}");
    io::OutputFileStream outTop(prefix + ".top");
    for(WordIndex i = 0; i < firstNum_ && i < trgVocab_->size(); ++i)
      outTop << (*trgVocab_)[Word::fromWordIndex(i)] << std::endl;

    // Dump translation pairs from dictionary
    io::OutputFileStream outDic(prefix + ".dic");
    for(WordIndex srcId = 0; srcId < data_.size(); srcId++) {
      for(auto& it : data_[srcId]) {
        auto trgId = it.first;
        outDic << (*srcVocab_)[Word::fromWordIndex(srcId)] << "\t" << (*trgVocab_)[Word::fromWordIndex(trgId)] << std::endl;

  virtual Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) const override {
    auto srcBatch = (*batch)[srcIdx_];

    // add firstNum most frequent words
    std::unordered_set<WordIndex> indexSet;
    for(WordIndex i = 0; i < firstNum_ && i < trgVocab_->size(); ++i)

    // add all words from ground truth
    // for(auto i : trgBatch->data())
    //  indexSet.insert(i.toWordIndex());

    // collect unique words form source
    std::unordered_set<WordIndex> srcSet;
    for(auto i : srcBatch->data())

    // add aligned target words
    for(auto i : srcSet) {
      for(auto& it : data_[i])
    // Ensure that the generated vocabulary items from a shortlist are a multiple-of-eight
    // This is necessary until intgemm supports non-multiple-of-eight matrices.
    // TODO better solution here? This could potentially be slow.
    WordIndex i = static_cast<WordIndex>(firstNum_);
    while (indexSet.size() % 8 != 0) {

    // turn into vector and sort (selected indices)
    std::vector<WordIndex> indices(indexSet.begin(), indexSet.end());
    std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end());

    return New<Shortlist>(indices);

class FakeShortlistGenerator : public ShortlistGenerator {
  std::vector<WordIndex> indices_;

  FakeShortlistGenerator(const std::unordered_set<WordIndex>& indexSet)
      : indices_(indexSet.begin(), indexSet.end()) {
    std::sort(indices_.begin(), indices_.end());

  Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> /*batch*/) const override {
    return New<Shortlist>(indices_);

Legacy binary shortlist for Microsoft-internal use.
class QuicksandShortlistGenerator : public ShortlistGenerator {
  Ptr<Options> options_;
  Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab_;
  Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab_;

  size_t srcIdx_;

  mio::mmap_source mmap_;

  // all the quicksand bits go here
  bool use16bit_{false};
  int32_t numDefaultIds_;
  int32_t idSize_;
  const int32_t* defaultIds_{nullptr};
  int32_t numSourceIds_{0};
  const int32_t* sourceLengths_{nullptr};
  const int32_t* sourceOffsets_{nullptr};
  int32_t numShortlistIds_{0};
  const uint8_t* sourceToShortlistIds_{nullptr};

  QuicksandShortlistGenerator(Ptr<Options> options,
                              Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab,
                              Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab,
                              size_t srcIdx = 0,
                              size_t trgIdx = 1,
                              bool shared = false);

  virtual Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) const override;

Shortlist factory to create correct type of shortlist. Currently assumes everything is a text shortlist
unless the extension is *.bin for which the Microsoft legacy binary shortlist is used.
Ptr<ShortlistGenerator> createShortlistGenerator(Ptr<Options> options,
                                                 Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab,
                                                 Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab,
                                                 const std::vector<int> &lshOpts,
                                                 size_t srcIdx = 0,
                                                 size_t trgIdx = 1,
                                                 bool shared = false);

// Magic signature for binary shortlist:
// ASCII and Unicode text files never start with the following 64 bits
const uint64_t BINARY_SHORTLIST_MAGIC = 0xF11A48D5013417F5;

bool isBinaryShortlist(const std::string& fileName);

class BinaryShortlistGenerator : public ShortlistGenerator {
  Ptr<Options> options_;
  Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab_;
  Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab_;

  size_t srcIdx_;
  bool shared_{false};

  uint64_t firstNum_{100};  // baked into binary header
  uint64_t bestNum_{100};   // baked into binary header

  // shortlist is stored in a skip list
  // [&shortLists_[wordToOffset_[word]], &shortLists_[wordToOffset_[word+1]])
  // is a sorted array of word indices in the shortlist for word
  mio::mmap_source mmapMem_;
  uint64_t wordToOffsetSize_;
  uint64_t shortListsSize_;
  const uint64_t *wordToOffset_;
  const WordIndex *shortLists_;
  std::vector<char> blob_;  // binary blob

  struct Header {
    uint64_t magic; // BINARY_SHORTLIST_MAGIC
    uint64_t checksum; // util::hashMem<uint64_t, uint64_t> from &firstNum to end of file.
    uint64_t firstNum; // Limits used to create the shortlist.
    uint64_t bestNum;
    uint64_t wordToOffsetSize; // Length of wordToOffset_ array.
    uint64_t shortListsSize; // Length of shortLists_ array.

  void contentCheck();
  // load shortlist from buffer
  void load(const void* ptr_void, size_t blobSize, bool check = true);
  // load shortlist from file
  void load(const std::string& filename, bool check=true);
  // import text shortlist from file
  void import(const std::string& filename, double threshold);
  // save blob to file (called by dump)
  void saveBlobToFile(const std::string& filename) const;

  BinaryShortlistGenerator(Ptr<Options> options,
                           Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab,
                           Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab,
                           size_t srcIdx = 0,
                           size_t /*trgIdx*/ = 1,
                           bool shared = false);

  // construct directly from buffer
  BinaryShortlistGenerator(const void* ptr_void,
                           const size_t blobSize,
                           Ptr<const Vocab> srcVocab,
                           Ptr<const Vocab> trgVocab,
                           size_t srcIdx = 0,
                           size_t /*trgIdx*/ = 1,
                           bool shared = false,
                           bool check = true);


  virtual Ptr<Shortlist> generate(Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) const override;
  virtual void dump(const std::string& fileName) const override;

}  // namespace data
}  // namespace marian