Program Listing for File marian_vocab.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/command/marian_vocab.cpp)

#include "marian.h"

#include "common/cli_wrapper.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "data/vocab.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  using namespace marian;


  Ptr<Options> options = New<Options>();
    YAML::Node config; // @TODO: get rid of YAML::Node here entirely to avoid the pattern. Currently not fixing as it requires more changes to the Options object.
    auto cli = New<cli::CLIWrapper>(
        "Create a vocabulary from text corpora given on STDIN",
        "Allowed options",
        "  ./marian-vocab < text.src > vocab.yml\n"
        "  cat text.src text.trg | ./marian-vocab > vocab.yml");
    cli->add<size_t>("--max-size,-m", "Generate only UINT most common vocabulary items", 0);
    cli->parse(argc, argv);

  LOG(info, "Creating vocabulary...");

  auto vocab = New<Vocab>(options, 0);
  vocab->create("stdout", "stdin", options->get<size_t>("max-size"));

  LOG(info, "Finished");

  return 0;