Program Listing for File signal_handling.h

Return to documentation for file (src/common/signal_handling.h)

#pragma once
#include <csignal>
#include <string>


// The signal handlers (and checkers) here are implemented in line with with the recommendations
// for signal handling in the SEI CERT C Coding Standard, specifically
// - SIG30-C:
// - SIG31-C:
// The exact behavior of 'graceful exit' depends on the application; for training, it means 'save model and exit',
// for a server (not implemented yet): 'block new requests but serve pending requests and then exit'.
// Graceful exit for training is useful for training on clusters with time limits on jobs. Slurm, for example, can be
// set up to send a custom signal at a set time before the end of the time slot, giving Marian time to save its current
// state before getting killed.

namespace marian {

void requestSaveAndExit(int sig);

bool saveAndExitRequested();

//  (only for SIGNAL No. < 32).
void setSignalFlag(int sig);  // custom handler (set flag) for sig

bool getSignalFlag(int sig);

} // End of namespace marian