Program Listing for File sentencepiece_vocab.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/data/sentencepiece_vocab.cpp)

#include "data/vocab_base.h"

#include "sentencepiece/src/sentencepiece_processor.h"
#include "sentencepiece/src/sentencepiece_trainer.h"

#include "common/config.h"
#include "common/options.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/filesystem.h"
#include "common/regex.h"

#include <sstream>
#include <random>

namespace marian {


// Wrapper around
class SentencePieceVocab : public IVocab {
  // Actual SentencePiece processor object
  UPtr<sentencepiece::SentencePieceProcessor> spm_;

  // Sampling factor for subword regularization, disabled when 0
  float alpha_{0};

  // Allowed suffixes for SentencePiece model
  std::vector<std::string> suffixes_ = {".spm"};

  Ptr<Options> options_;
  size_t batchIndex_{0};

  std::mt19937 generator_;
  std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randInt_; // from 0 to INT_MAX

  // Keeps sentences segmented into subword units
  bool keepEncoded_{false};

  // Contains control characters added to vocab due to byte-fallback
  std::vector<Word> controlChars_;

  // Creates the first 32 control characters as done in byte-fallback and checks if they exist in the vocab.
  // This makes sure that we do not waste computational effort on suppression if they don't actually appear.
  void populateControlChars() {
    for(int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
      std::string bytePiece = fmt::format("<0x{:02X}>", i); // 0 becomes <0x00>, 10 becomes <0x0A>, note uppercase A and lowercase x
      auto id = spm_->PieceToId(bytePiece);
      if(id != spm_->unk_id())

  // Sample from one file, based on first algorithm from:
  void reservoirSampling(std::vector<std::string>& sample, size_t& seenLines,
                        const std::string& trainPath, size_t maxLines, size_t maxBytes) {
    ABORT_IF(maxLines == 0, "Sample needs to be larger 0");

    std::unique_ptr<std::istream> trainStrm(trainPath == "stdin"
                                                ? new std::istream(std::cin.rdbuf())
                                                : new io::InputFileStream(trainPath));

    std::string line;
    while(getline(*trainStrm, line)) {
      if(line.size() > 0 && line.size() < maxBytes) {
        if(sample.size() < maxLines) {
        else {
          size_t i = randInt_(generator_) % (seenLines + 1);
          if(i < maxLines)
            sample[i] = line;

  // Iterate over all input files and collect a representative sample via reservoir sampling.
  // The sample will first grow to the desired size and next keep sampling with decreasing
  // probability in the hope to get a uniform sample from the union of all files.
  size_t reservoirSamplingAll(io::TemporaryFile& temp,
                             const std::vector<std::string>& trainPaths,
                             size_t maxLines, size_t maxBytes) {
    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Sampling at most {} lines from {}", maxLines, utils::join(trainPaths, ", "));

    std::vector<std::string> sample;
    size_t seenLines = 0;
    for(const auto& trainPath : trainPaths)
      reservoirSampling(sample, seenLines, trainPath, maxLines, maxBytes);
    std::shuffle(sample.begin(), sample.end(), generator_);

    for(const auto& line : sample)
        temp << line << std::endl;

    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Selected {} lines", sample.size());
    return sample.size();

  // Just concatenate all files to a temporary file so SentencePiece can consume it.
  size_t dumpAll(io::TemporaryFile& temp,
                 const std::vector<std::string>& trainPaths,
                 size_t maxBytes) {
    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Selecting all lines from {}", utils::join(trainPaths, ", "));

    size_t seenLines = 0;
    std::string line;
    for(const auto& trainPath : trainPaths) {
      io::InputFileStream in(trainPath);
      while(getline(in, line)) {
        if(line.size() > 0 && line.size() < maxBytes) {
          temp << line << std::endl;

    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Selected {} lines", seenLines);
    return seenLines;

  SentencePieceVocab(Ptr<Options> options, size_t batchIndex)
      : options_(options),
        keepEncoded_(options->get<bool>("no-spm-decode", false)) {
    if(options_->has("sentencepiece-alphas")) {
      auto alphas = options_->get<std::vector<float>>("sentencepiece-alphas");
      if(alphas.size() <= batchIndex)
        alpha_ = 0.f;
        alpha_ = alphas[batchIndex_];

      if(alpha_ > 0)
            "Setting SentencePiece vocabulary sampling factor to {} for input {}",

  virtual const std::string& canonicalExtension() const override { return suffixes_[0]; }
  virtual const std::vector<std::string>& suffixes() const override { return suffixes_; }

  virtual std::string suffix() { return suffixes_[0]; };

  virtual std::string type() const override { return "SentencePieceVocab"; }

  virtual Word getEosId() const override { return Word::fromWordIndex(spm_->eos_id()); }
  virtual Word getUnkId() const override { return Word::fromWordIndex(spm_->unk_id()); }

  void create(const std::string& vocabPath,
              const std::vector<std::string>& trainPaths,
              size_t maxSize) override {

    size_t defaultMaxSize = 32000;
    size_t maxLines = options_->get<size_t>("sentencepiece-max-lines");
    size_t maxBytes = 2048;

    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Training SentencePiece vocabulary {}", vocabPath);

    if(maxSize == 0) {
      LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Vocabulary size is undefined (set with --dim-vocabs ...) - setting to {}", defaultMaxSize);
      maxSize = defaultMaxSize;

    // Create temporary file to hold the sample for the SentencePiece trainer
    io::TemporaryFile temp(options_->get<std::string>("tempdir"), false);
    std::string tempFileName = temp.getFileName();
    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Creating temporary file {}", tempFileName);

    size_t seenLines = 0;
    if(maxLines == 0)
      seenLines = dumpAll(temp, trainPaths, maxBytes);
      seenLines = reservoirSamplingAll(temp, trainPaths, maxLines, maxBytes);

    // Compose the SentencePiece training command from filenames and parameters0
    std::stringstream command;
      << " --bos_id=-1 --eos_id=0 --unk_id=1" // these should not be changed as they match Marian defaults
      << " --input="               << tempFileName
      << " --model_prefix="        << vocabPath
      << " --vocab_size="          << maxSize
      << " --max_sentence_length=" << maxBytes
      << " --input_sentence_size=" << seenLines
      << " " << options_->get<std::string>("sentencepiece-options"); // these are SentencePiece command line options

    // Train the SentencePiece model
    const auto status = sentencepiece::SentencePieceTrainer::Train(command.str());
             "SentencePiece vocabulary error: {}",

    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Removing {}", vocabPath + ".vocab");
    ABORT_IF(remove((vocabPath + ".vocab").c_str()) != 0,
             "Could not remove {}",
             vocabPath + ".vocab");

    LOG(info, "[SentencePiece] Renaming {} to {}", vocabPath + ".model", vocabPath);
    ABORT_IF(rename((vocabPath + ".model").c_str(), vocabPath.c_str()) != 0,
             "Could not rename {} to {}",
             vocabPath + ".model", vocabPath);

  void createFake() override {
    ABORT("[SentencePiece] Fake SentencePiece vocabulary not supported");

  Word operator[](const std::string& token) const override {
    return Word::fromWordIndex(spm_->PieceToId(token));

  const std::string& operator[](Word id) const override {
    ABORT_IF(id.toWordIndex() >= size(), "Unknown word id: ", id.toWordIndex());
    return spm_->IdToPiece(id.toWordIndex());

  Words encode(const std::string& line, bool addEOS, bool inference) const override {
    std::vector<int> spmIds;
    if(inference || alpha_ == 0)
      spm_->Encode(line, &spmIds);
      spm_->SampleEncode(line, -1, alpha_, &spmIds);

    Words words; words.reserve(spmIds.size() + addEOS);
    for (auto&& spmId : spmIds)

    return words;

  std::string decode(const Words& sentence, bool ignoreEOS) const override {
    std::string line;
    if(keepEncoded_) {  // i.e. keep the sentence segmented into subword units
      for(const Word& id : sentence)
        if(!ignoreEOS || id != getEosId())
          line += (*this)[id] + " ";
      line.pop_back();  // trim the trailing whitespace
    } else {
      // convert vector of Word to vector of int
      std::vector<int> spmSentence;
      for(auto&& word : sentence)
        if(!ignoreEOS || word != getEosId())
      spm_->Decode(spmSentence, &line);
    return line;

  std::string surfaceForm(const Words& sentence) const override {
    // with SentencePiece, decoded form and surface form are identical
    return decode(sentence, /*ignoreEOS=*/true);

  size_t size() const override {
    return spm_->GetPieceSize();

  size_t load(const std::string& vocabPath, size_t /*maxSize*/) override {
    LOG(info, "[data] Loading SentencePiece vocabulary from file {}", vocabPath);

             "SentencePiece vocabulary file {} does not exist",

    spm_.reset(new sentencepiece::SentencePieceProcessor());
    const auto status = spm_->Load(vocabPath);

             "SentencePiece vocabulary error: {}",


    return spm_->GetPieceSize();

  std::string toUpper(const std::string& line) const override { return utils::utf8ToUpper(line); }
  std::string toEnglishTitleCase(const std::string& line) const override { return utils::toEnglishTitleCase(line); }

  // SentencePiece with byte-fallback may generate control symbols with output sampling.
  // Let's mark them as special and suppress them later on output. This is generally safe
  // for UTF-8 since control chars are not used as partial bytes in multi-byte sequences.
  // They only appear in single-byte chars as themselves and this is what we suppress.
  void addSpecialWords(std::vector<Word>& special) const override {
    special.reserve(special.size() + controlChars_.size());
    for(auto c : controlChars_)


Ptr<IVocab> createSentencePieceVocab(const std::string& vocabPath, Ptr<Options> options, size_t batchIndex) {
  bool isSentencePiece = regex::regex_search(vocabPath, regex::regex("\\.(spm)$"));
  if(isSentencePiece) {
    return New<SentencePieceVocab>(options, batchIndex);
    batchIndex; options;
    ABORT("*.spm suffix in path {} reserved for SentencePiece models, "
          "but support for SentencePiece is not compiled into Marian. "
          "Try to recompile after `cmake .. -DUSE_SENTENCEPIECE=on [...]`",
  // Not a SentencePiece model based on suffix;
  return nullptr;
