Program Listing for File iris.cpp

Return to documentation for file (src/examples/iris/iris.cpp)

#include <vector>

#include "common/filesystem.h"
#include "common/config.h"
#include "examples/iris/helper.cpp"
#include "marian.h"

using namespace marian;
using namespace data;

// Constants for Iris example
const size_t MAX_EPOCHS = 200;

// Function creating feedforward dense network graph
Expr buildIrisClassifier(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                         std::vector<float> inputData,
                         std::vector<IndexType> outputData = {},
                         bool train = false) {
  // The number of input data
  int N = inputData.size() / NUM_FEATURES;


  // Define the input layer
  auto x = graph->constant({N, NUM_FEATURES}, inits::fromVector(inputData));

  // Define the hidden layer
  auto W1 = graph->param("W1", {NUM_FEATURES, 5}, inits::uniform(-0.1f, 0.1f));
  auto b1 = graph->param("b1", {1, 5}, inits::zeros());
  auto h = tanh(affine(x, W1, b1));

  // Define the output layer
  auto W2 = graph->param("W2", {5, NUM_LABELS}, inits::uniform(-0.1f, 0.1f));
  auto b2 = graph->param("b2", {1, NUM_LABELS}, inits::zeros());
  auto o = affine(h, W2, b2);

  if(train) {
    auto y = graph->indices(outputData);
    /* Define cross entropy cost on the output layer.
     * It can be also defined directly as:
     *   -mean(sum(logsoftmax(o) * y, axis=1), axis=0)
     * But then `y` requires to be a one-hot-vector, i.e. [0,1,0, 1,0,0, 0,0,1,
     * ...] instead of [1, 0, 2, ...].
    auto cost = mean(cross_entropy(o, y), /*axis =*/ 0);
    return cost;
  } else {
    auto preds = logsoftmax(o);
    return preds;

int main() {
  // Initialize global settings

  // Disable randomness by setting a fixed seed for random number generator
  Config::seed = 123456;

  // Get path do data set
  std::string dataPath
      = (filesystem::Path(std::string(__FILE__)).parentPath() / filesystem::Path(std::string(""))).string();

  // Read data set (all 150 examples)
  std::vector<float> trainX;
  std::vector<IndexType> trainY;
  readIrisData(dataPath, trainX, trainY);

  // Split shuffled data into training data (120 examples) and test data (rest
  // 30 examples)
  shuffleData(trainX, trainY);
  std::vector<float> testX(trainX.end() - 30 * NUM_FEATURES, trainX.end());
  trainX.resize(120 * NUM_FEATURES);
  std::vector<IndexType> testY(trainY.end() - 30, trainY.end());

    // Create network graph
    auto graph = New<ExpressionGraph>();

    // Set general options
    auto deviceType = DeviceType::gpu;
    auto deviceType = DeviceType::cpu;
    graph->setDevice({0, deviceType});

    // Choose optimizer (Sgd, Adagrad, Adam) and initial learning rate
    auto opt = Optimizer(New<Options>("optimizer", "adam", "learn-rate", 0.005));

    for(size_t epoch = 1; epoch <= MAX_EPOCHS; ++epoch) {
      // Shuffle data in each epochs
      shuffleData(trainX, trainY);

      // Build classifier
      auto cost = buildIrisClassifier(graph, trainX, trainY, true);

      // Train classifier and update weights
      opt->update(graph, /*mbSize=*/0);

      if(epoch % 10 == 0)
        std::cout << "Epoch: " << epoch << " Cost: " << cost->scalar()
                  << std::endl;

    // Build classifier with test data
    auto probs = buildIrisClassifier(graph, testX);

    // Print probabilities for debugging. The `debug` function has to be called
    // prior to computations in the network.
    // debug(probs, "Classifier probabilities")

    // Run classifier

    // Extract predictions
    std::vector<float> preds(testY.size());

    std::cout << "Accuracy: " << calculateAccuracy(preds, testY) << std::endl;

  return 0;