Program Listing for File costs.h

Return to documentation for file (src/models/costs.h)

#pragma once

#include "layers/generic.h"
#include "layers/guided_alignment.h"
#include "layers/loss.h"
#include "layers/weight.h"
#include "models/encoder_classifier.h"
#include "models/encoder_decoder.h"
#include "models/encoder_pooler.h"

namespace marian {
namespace models {

// @TODO: this whole file is an unholy mess and needs to be refactored.
// Using MultiRationalLoss is a first improvement, but we can probably
// unify classifier and decoder costs. Also rethink step-wise cost.

// @TODO: inheritance and polymorphism is used here in a rather unclear way.
// E.g. returns Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> which should be Ptr<RationalLoss>?
// Other functions return RationalLoss directly without Ptr<...>, but also
// they do not need polymorphism here.

class ICost {
  virtual Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> apply(
      Ptr<IModel> model,
      Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,  // @TODO: why needed? Can it be gotten from model?
      Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
      bool clearGraph = true)
      = 0;
  virtual ~ICost() {}

class EncoderDecoderCECost : public ICost {
  Ptr<Options> options_;

  const bool inference_{false};
  /*const*/ bool toBeWeighted_{false};

  // @TODO: single loss seems wrong
  Ptr<LabelwiseLoss> loss_;
  Ptr<WeightingBase> weighter_;

  EncoderDecoderCECost(Ptr<Options> options)
      : options_(options), inference_(options->get<bool>("inference", false)) {
    loss_ = newLoss(options_, inference_);

    toBeWeighted_ = (options_->hasAndNotEmpty("data-weighting") && !inference_)
                    || (options_->has("dynamic-weighting")
                        && options_->get<bool>("dynamic-weighting") && !inference_);
      weighter_ = WeightingFactory(options_);

  virtual ~EncoderDecoderCECost() {}

  Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> apply(Ptr<IModel> model,
                               Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                               Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                               bool clearGraph = true) override {
    auto encdec = std::static_pointer_cast<EncoderDecoder>(model);
    auto corpusBatch = std::static_pointer_cast<data::CorpusBatch>(batch);

    auto state = encdec->stepAll(graph, corpusBatch, clearGraph);

    Expr weights;
      weights = weighter_->getWeights(graph, corpusBatch);

    // multi-objective training
    Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> multiLoss = newMultiLoss(options_);

    // @TODO: adapt to multi-objective training with multiple decoders
    auto partialLoss = loss_->apply(
        state->getLogProbs(), state->getTargetWords(), state->getTargetMask(), weights);

    if(options_->get("guided-alignment", std::string("none")) != "none" && !inference_) {
      auto attentionVectors
          = encdec->getDecoders()[0]
                ->getAlignments();  // [tgt index][beam depth, max src length, batch size, 1]
      ABORT_IF(attentionVectors.empty(), "Model does not seem to support alignments");

      auto attention = concatenate(attentionVectors, /*axis =*/-1);

      auto alignmentLoss = guidedAlignmentCost(graph, corpusBatch, options_, attention);

    return multiLoss;

// Wraps an EncoderClassifier so it can produce a cost from raw logits. @TODO: Needs refactoring
class EncoderClassifierCECost : public ICost {
  Ptr<Options> options_;
  const bool inference_{false};

  // @TODO: single loss seems wrong, especially since we support multiple objectives here,
  // also not sure this needs to be a member at all.
  Ptr<LabelwiseLoss> loss_;

  EncoderClassifierCECost(Ptr<Options> options)
      : options_(options), inference_(options->get<bool>("inference", false)) {
    loss_ = newLoss(options_, inference_);

  Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> apply(Ptr<IModel> model,
                               Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                               Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                               bool clearGraph = true) override {
    auto enccls = std::static_pointer_cast<EncoderClassifier>(model);
    auto corpusBatch = std::static_pointer_cast<data::CorpusBatch>(batch);

    auto states = enccls->apply(graph, corpusBatch, clearGraph);

    // multi-objective training
    Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> multiLoss = newMultiLoss(options_);
    for(int i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i) {
      auto partialLoss = loss_->apply(Logits(states[i]->getLogProbs()),
    return multiLoss;

// Wraps an EncoderClassifier so it can produce a cost from raw logits. @TODO: Needs refactoring
class EncoderPoolerRankCost : public ICost {
  Ptr<Options> options_;
  const bool inference_{false};
  float margin_{0.3f};
  float normalizer_{0.0f};

  EncoderPoolerRankCost(Ptr<Options> options)
      : options_(options), inference_(options->get<bool>("inference", false)) {
    auto trainEmbedderRank = options->get<std::vector<std::string>>("train-embedder-rank", {});
             "EncoderPoolerRankCost expects train-embedder-rank to be set");

    margin_ = std::stof(trainEmbedderRank[0]);
    if(trainEmbedderRank.size() > 1)
      normalizer_ = std::stof(trainEmbedderRank[1]);

  Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> apply(Ptr<IModel> model,
                               Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                               Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                               bool clearGraph = true) override {
    auto encpool = std::static_pointer_cast<EncoderPooler>(model);
    auto corpusBatch = std::static_pointer_cast<data::CorpusBatch>(batch);
    std::vector<Expr> dotProducts = encpool->apply(graph, corpusBatch, clearGraph);

    int dimBatch = dotProducts[0]->shape()[-2];
    Ptr<MultiRationalLoss> multiLoss = New<SumMultiRationalLoss>();

    ABORT_IF(inference_, "Rank training does not work in inference mode");
    ABORT_IF(dotProducts.size() != 3, "Three dot products required for margin loss");

    // multi-objective training
    auto maxDot = max(concatenate(dotProducts, -1), -1);  // compute maximum for numeric stability
    auto exponent
        = dotProducts[0] - maxDot - margin_;  // substract maximum and margin from dot product
    auto dp = exp(exponent);

    Expr dn1, dn2;
       != 0.0f) {  // the normalizer may be useful for fluctuating batch sizes since it limits the
                   // magnitude of the sum of negative examples in the denominator.
      dn1 = normalizer_
            * mean(exp(dotProducts[1] - maxDot),
                   -1);  // dot product of anchor and first negative example
      dn2 = normalizer_
            * mean(exp(dotProducts[2] - maxDot),
                   -1);  // dot product of positive examples and first negative example
    } else {
      dn1 = sum(exp(dotProducts[1] - maxDot),
                -1);  // dot product of anchor and first negative example
      dn2 = sum(exp(dotProducts[2] - maxDot),
                -1);  // dot product of positive examples and first negative example

    // We rewrite the loss so it looks more like a log-softmax, presumably more stable?
    // Let dp = exp(phi - m) then -log(dp / (dp + sum(dn))) = -log(dp) + log(dp + sum(dn)) = log(dp
    // + sum(dn)) - log(dp) = log(dp + sum(dn)) - (phi - m)
    auto marginLoss1
        = log(dp + dn1) - exponent;  // softmax-margin loss for anchor vs negative examples
    auto marginLoss2
        = log(dp + dn2)
          - exponent;  // symmetric version of the above with positive example vs negative examples
    auto marginLoss = sum(marginLoss1 + marginLoss2, /*axis=*/-2);

    RationalLoss loss(marginLoss, (float)dimBatch);

    return multiLoss;

class Trainer : public ICriterionFunction {
  Ptr<IModel> model_;
  Ptr<ICost> cost_;

  Trainer(Ptr<IModel> model, Ptr<ICost> cost) : model_(model), cost_(cost) {}

  virtual ~Trainer() {}

  Ptr<IModel> getModel() { return model_; }

  virtual void load(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::string& name,
                    bool markedReloaded = true) override {
    model_->load(graph, name, markedReloaded);

  virtual void save(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::string& name,
                    bool saveTranslatorConfig = false) override {
    model_->save(graph, name, saveTranslatorConfig);

  virtual Ptr<RationalLoss> build(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                                  Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                                  bool clearGraph = true) override {
    return cost_->apply(model_, graph, batch, clearGraph);

  virtual void clear(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph) override { model_->clear(graph); };

class ILogProb {
  virtual Logits apply(Ptr<IModel> model,
                       Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                       Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                       bool clearGraph = true)
      = 0;

// @TODO: Name 'scorer' is ambiguous: Does it compute scores for all classes, or the loss value for
// the ground truth?
//        Beam search uses it for the former meaning, while 'marian score' and validation in the
//        latter. This class is for the former use. The latter is done using Trainer.
class Scorer : public IModel {
  Ptr<IModel> model_;
  Ptr<ILogProb> logProb_;

  Scorer(Ptr<IModel> model, Ptr<ILogProb> cost) : model_(model), logProb_(cost) {}

  virtual ~Scorer() {}

  Ptr<IModel> getModel() { return model_; }

  virtual void load(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::string& name,
                    bool markedReloaded = true) override {
    model_->load(graph, name, markedReloaded);

  virtual void save(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::string& name,
                    bool saveTranslatorConfig = false) override {
    model_->save(graph, name, saveTranslatorConfig);

  virtual Logits build(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                       Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                       bool clearGraph = true) override {
    return logProb_->apply(model_, graph, batch, clearGraph);

  virtual void clear(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph) override { model_->clear(graph); };

class ILogProbStep {
  // @BUGBUG: This is not a function application. Rather, it updates 'state' in-place.
  // Suggest to call it updateState, and not return the state object.
  virtual Ptr<DecoderState> apply(Ptr<DecoderState> state) = 0;

class LogSoftmaxStep : public ILogProbStep {
  virtual ~LogSoftmaxStep() {}
  virtual Ptr<DecoderState> apply(Ptr<DecoderState> state) override;

// Gumbel-max noising for sampling during translation.
// Produces accurate sampling with beam=1. Turn on
// with --output-sampling [full] during translation
// with marian-decoder for samnpling from the full
// softmax distribution.
class GumbelSoftmaxStep : public ILogProbStep {
  virtual ~GumbelSoftmaxStep() {}
  virtual Ptr<DecoderState> apply(Ptr<DecoderState> state) override;

// Gumbel-max noising for top-k sampling during translation.
// Produces accurate sampling with beam=1. Turn on
// with --output-sampling topk [10] during translation
// with marian-decoder for top-10 sampling.
class TopkGumbelSoftmaxStep : public ILogProbStep {
  int k_{1};

  TopkGumbelSoftmaxStep(int k);
  virtual ~TopkGumbelSoftmaxStep() {}
  virtual Ptr<DecoderState> apply(Ptr<DecoderState> state) override;

// class to wrap an IEncoderDecoder and a ILogProbStep that are executed in sequence,
// wrapped again in the IEncoderDecoder interface
// @TODO: seems we are conflating an interface defition with its implementation?
// @TODO: needs a better name. Stepwise is an adjective. Classes are things=nouns. StepwiseWhat?
class Stepwise : public IEncoderDecoder {
  Ptr<IEncoderDecoder> encdec_;
  Ptr<ILogProbStep> cost_;

  Stepwise(Ptr<IEncoderDecoder> encdec, Ptr<ILogProbStep> cost) : encdec_(encdec), cost_(cost) {}

  virtual void load(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::vector<io::Item>& items,
                    bool markedReloaded = true) override {
    encdec_->load(graph, items, markedReloaded);

  virtual void load(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::string& name,
                    bool markedReloaded = true) override {
    encdec_->load(graph, name, markedReloaded);

  virtual void mmap(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const void* ptr,
                    bool markedReloaded = true) override {
    encdec_->mmap(graph, ptr, markedReloaded);

  virtual void save(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                    const std::string& name,
                    bool saveTranslatorConfig = false) override {
    encdec_->save(graph, name, saveTranslatorConfig);

  virtual void clear(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph) override { encdec_->clear(graph); }

  virtual Logits build(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                       Ptr<data::Batch> batch,
                       bool clearGraph = true) override {
    auto corpusBatch = std::static_pointer_cast<data::CorpusBatch>(batch);
    return build(graph, corpusBatch, clearGraph);

  virtual Ptr<DecoderState> startState(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
                                       Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> batch) override {
    return encdec_->startState(graph, batch);

  virtual Ptr<DecoderState> step(
      Ptr<ExpressionGraph> graph,
      Ptr<DecoderState> state,
      const std::vector<IndexType>& hypIndices,    // [beamIndex * activeBatchSize + batchIndex]
      const Words& words,                          // [beamIndex * activeBatchSize + batchIndex]
      const std::vector<IndexType>& batchIndices,  // [batchIndex]
      int beamSize) override {
    auto nextState = encdec_->step(graph, state, hypIndices, words, batchIndices, beamSize);
    return cost_->apply(nextState);

  virtual Logits build(Ptr<ExpressionGraph> /*graph*/,
                       Ptr<data::CorpusBatch> /*batch*/,
                       bool /*clearGraph*/ = true) override {
    ABORT("Wrong wrapper. Use models::Trainer or models::Scorer");

  virtual Ptr<Options> getOptions() override { return encdec_->getOptions(); };

  virtual void setShortlistGenerator(
      Ptr<const data::ShortlistGenerator> shortlistGenerator) override {

  virtual Ptr<data::Shortlist> getShortlist() override { return encdec_->getShortlist(); };

  virtual data::SoftAlignment getAlignment() override { return encdec_->getAlignment(); }

}  // namespace models
}  // namespace marian